Wednesday 27 July 2011

The veg so far

Hello and welcome to our blog about our little veg garden.  It has a greenhouse, a veg patch roughly 2.5m x 2m, 2 compost bins,a water butt and various planters.  Thats the veg patch explained, now for the angels....

Liliana is 3, Mimi (who is actually called Imani but shall be refered to as Mimi) is nearly 2, Serenity is 3 months (ok so she isn't very active in the garden yet) and my wife Candice is around 21 or so.

Thats it really, the girls and I love the veg patch, the little uns learn so much from harvesting, helping to prepare then actually eating what they picked.  It also draws everyone into the garden and is pretty sociable helping each other look after the fruit n veg not to mention promoting healthy eating.

There is a lot more left to harvest this year and we are planning a make over during winter to make 2 smaller veg patches which are more accessable to the kids while also supplying more growing space.


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