Wednesday 27 July 2011

The following is what we grow and how successful/popular said veg has been

When we moved in there was (and still is) an apple tree, a rhubarb plant and some wild blackberries.  The apples aren't ready yet but many are growing and the rhubarb is just awesome and replenishes quickly.  The blackberries will be made into an ice-cream but may have to bulk up from other sources.

Now for the stuff we planted:

Peas - kids love them, pods get picked and peas promptly eaten for a tasty sweet snack.
Broad Beans - grown ok, broad bean pesto is amazing.
Runner beans- not many yet, few we cooked we’re popular with the kids (and adults)
Carrots-  seem to be doing well, not ready yet
potatoes- as above
onions- again seem ok
Tomatoes-kids love picking these and they seldom make it to the house before being eaten
Cucumbers- 5 or so fine and tasty ones in May/June then nothing!
Chilies- few fruits but none ready yet
Peppers – same as chili
Aubergine- disaster.  No fruit then destroyed by some insects.
Raspberries- very tasty, shame we’ve only had 5 all year
Strawberries- not much fruit all of which has been eaten by birds/bugs
Spring onions- tasted odd, maybe they weren’t ready!

Think that’s everything.  I should have pointed out in my first post that none of us have ever grown anything before this year and have pretty much no idea other than what we’ve read in books, on internet or the back of seed packets!  We didn’t even have any garden tools until someone kindly lent us some.


  1. We're growing JalapeƱos. How do you like them apples?

  2. Jalapeno apples would be a a marketing dream!
