Friday 16 September 2011

Veg to the future

Farewell August, hello September.  A finer month as far as we're concerned for many reasons, a big one being the apple tree which has done well this year.  The kids (and every adult to visit us) love eating a freshly picked apple when playing in the garden.

All our crops have been picked for this year which is sad but also exciting as we can get on changing the layout of the veg garden!

First we decide to grow some salad in the green house over winter! So we've started insulating it with bubble wrap which is an on going and slightly boring/frustrating job. Below is just the windows covered up which has already made a big difference.

I am looking up heaters to keep the greenhouse above zero in the depths of winter but hopefully i'll have plenty of time to research that as, as usual, we have no idea what we're doing. 

Anyway, greenhouse almost ready we went ahead and planted some seeds.  Hardy lettuce, rocket, some other leafy stuff that looked good on the packet, radishes and spring onions.

The girls had great fun using their fingers to make holes ready for the seeds to be dropped in

Liliana managed to keep different seeds in rows but Mimi decided they'd stand a better chance all mixed together!  When these greens get going (fingers crossed) we'll move them into some grow bags.  The spring onions and radish we sown in the larger pots so won't need to be moved (feel free to add a horticultural word if you know it)

Once the seeds were in they got another layer of compost because it seemed like a good idea and we had some left
After the seeds were finish we gave them another good watering and moved them into the greenhouse but I didn't get any photos as it was a delicate operation.  The only thing left to do was pick an apple on the way back down the garden, sit back and relax

For those of you who are interested in what else we have planned for the veg patch............... tough i'm going to write it here anyway!

Attach a water butt to the greenhouse and have another on the patio to collect grey water which won't be used for anything we plan on eating. I think its still worth mentioning as my local council gave me two old wheelie bins that I will be using (note apple being consumed own stage left)

The current veg patch will be split in two and extended up to the wall which will give us more growing space and better access for the kids.  (we have a few pallets to use for raised boarders)  Also to increase our growing space further we hijacked a flower bed ready to grow peas in next year which currently looks like that.

That must be the longest one i've ever written, sorry for that!  Hopefully we'll make some more progress soon and have a photo of some lettuce shoots! (touch wood)

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