Tuesday 2 August 2011


Today we harvested some of the wild blackberries which grow between the greenhouse and fence.  As it is quite a deadly job involving balancing one foot on a planter and the other astride a fence post I did it myself and have the cuts to prove it!

As you can see I got quite a few which were promptly made into blackberry ice cream.  The ice cream was then promptly eaten as a very refreshing pudding for lunch
Just in case you wonder how such a marvelous pudding is made:

  • squash the blackberries through a sieve into a bowl
  • add some castor sugar to taste (we like it quite tart)
  • add some natural yogurt (ok, ok, so its not a proper ice cream)
  • mix it up and put in an ice cream machine (or a tub in freezer technique)

Also this evening the pea plants that fell foul of slugs were cleared to the compost bin and the broad bean plants have been dug into the soil as I have been told the nitrogen is good for it.  Next Monday the girls will be pulling up the onion crop which should be pretty exciting!

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