Monday 9 April 2012

Quick update

Everything in the greenhouse is doing well. The broad beans are now outside and will be closely followed by the peas and sweet corn  tomorrow.  4 courgette plants and 5 cucumber plants have been transferred to bigger pots from their seed trays  and I planted 3 new blueberry plants after finally deciding where to have them.
watering the carrot tubs, which will also be outside very soon.

All this rain is good for the garden and water butt levels but the green house still needs regular watering, lucky for me I have two very willing and able helpers!

Wednesday 28 March 2012


Its been a while since the last blog update but hopefully this one will make up for it!

it's 2 foot wider!
 We have been very busy over the past couple of months, the green house has been cleared and a few extra shelves put in, also the green house door has been patched up with some plastic sheet, the veg patch has increased in size and the flower bed had been prepared for some peatastic pea growing! 

So far we have planted some potatoes in 2 containers that last year were home to some very unsuccessful strawberries (think we had 3 red ones)  In the green house there are peas, broad beans, tomatoes, cucumber, beetroot, lettuce, peppers, chilies, carrots (in big containers that will be put outside at some point), strawberries, a selection of herbs and some other stuff I can't think of right now.

The peas had exploded into life due to the good weather we've been enjoying recently so we decided to plant them into the flower bed today.  As usual the girls helped, digging holes and making sure the ground was thoroughly watered.

 Some more peas have been planted in the green house which, when ready, will be transferred into the pea bed along with some newly sewed peas.  Hopefully this will give us a steady crop over the summer that lasts a bit longer than last year!

Over the next couple of weeks we will be planting seeds straight into the veg patch and thinking of a sensible solution to the herb conundrum, how close can we plant them to the kitchen?  No point growing lovely herbs if no one can be arsed going to get them!

wigwam bam gonna grow some peas man! yeah I'm that sad

There is a hosepipe ban coming in on 5th April, not too much of a problem as we use the water butts so used to lugging round a watering can.  Fingers crossed for a bit of rain! (sorry sun worshippers)

That's it for now. Bye!

Sunday 8 January 2012

It's 2012! Time to get stuck in

We decided to venture out into the veg garden today to do a little prep work.  Weeding was the main task and the girls got stuck in, we soon had the current veg patch cleared.

Next job is to extend the patch in every direction possible then prep the green house (which really means fix the door that blew off and smashed!) Decide where to put our portable plastic greenhouse we were given (cheers nanny) and find a site for our recently purchased lavender, thyme & rosemery plants.

Hopefully we will have learnt from last years mistakes and have more success in the growing and harvesting department. Exciting times ahead!