Monday 17 October 2011

Slow progress

Not much to report.  The salad is growing as are the radish and we have bubble wrapped some more of the greenhouse.  Still not sorted which greenhouse heater to get as the choice and cost (of initial purchase and running) vary so still not sure what will be best.  Will have to sort something soon mind as its getting colder. 

On the plus side i'm off to get some guttering to attach to the greenhouse tomorrow! so we'll be one water butt better off, maybe two.......

Saturday 8 October 2011

Cold at last!

Just a short post today as we had a quick job of moving the salad we planted last month into a couple of grow bags.  The main lesson learnt today was sow the seeds straight into the grow bags but the girls had fun helping out in the greenhouse

I cut out the grow bags and the girls got digging, then chose which plants (more like mix and neither were too good at keeping the seeds separate when planting!)  they wanted to move into the grow bags, simple! 

The only problem we had was me explaining why the rocket and lettuce didn't need any canes sticking in the grow bags!
That was it for today garden wise.  We will plant some more of the same seeds next week (straight into the grow bags this time!) and get round to finishing the bubble wrap insulation.  Having looked into heaters to keep the frost off we're going to go for an 80w tube heater as we don't want the electric bill to overshadow the amount we grow (or don't grow as it may be................)